Monday, September 2, 2024

Anniversary Matters

An Anniversary Adventure That Matters (9.2.24)

We hadn’t planned anything special for our 52nd anniversary because we have two big trips coming up…maybe the REAGAN movie…but, then Donovan called and invited us to come boating at Echo Reservoir. At the mouth of Parley’s Canyon, we could see black smoke! It’s Labor Day, and the traffic was horrible! They sent us on a detour. On to Echo…It was a gorgeous day, and we were excited to “ride the waves.” Little did we know! Black clouds rolled over the mountain, and the wind began to blow. Donny and Tiff assured us we could just wait it out. We rocked and rolled, but the storm really started whipping the water. Cameron was out front and really getting wet. We started back to the marina, along with other boats who were having a hard time, too. Even if they could get close to the dock, it was very difficult to get out of the boats.

One boat was beached. We waited until the water calmed a bit. Preslie and her friend Brooklyn were frightened. Finally we were able to get to the dock and back on land with the help of some good samaritans. Cam was soaking wet and had to change into my extra set—a little bit hilarious. Time to go home! At Park City the traffic slowed almost to a stop, and we spent three hours inching our way to SLC. Incredibly, the truck fire was still holding up traffic and blocking lanes of I-80 for cleanup! Happy Anniversary! Memorable to be sure.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Living Endowment Matters

 Temple Experiences Matter 8.30.24

This afternoon while I was serving at the recommend desk of the Taylorsville Temple, a young man and his father came in through those breathtakingly beautiful stained-glass doors and offered their recommends to be scanned. The son’s recommend showed on the screen that he was there for his own endowment, so the brother at the desk asked to see his special “living ordinance” recommend, required for those making those ordinances and covenants for themselves. Sheepishly the young man explained, “Well, the dog got hold of it…my bishop said it would be okay…” The brother at the desk asked if he still had the living recommend. The young man pulled a half-eaten recommend from his backpack and offered it. It was accepted! Literally, the dog ate his recommend! That was a first.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Matters of Endings 8.27.24

 Sunday we reported our service mission at the HTI. Here is my talk and Cam’s talk:

Cam’s Missionary Report 8.25.24

I work 2 jobs. One job is at Smiths. Sometimes I have to get all the carts into the store. Maybe it is late at night or raining and my workers have not done their job. It is hard! So my dad comes to help me. My friend Calloway has helped me. My friend Mark Tyson has helped me. I love them for helping!

I like to help people, too. Many years ago I was a missionary at Temple Square. It was great! I like to help people at my jobs and my callings. I love all of you.

Almost 2 years ago I got called to be a missionary again! It made me SO happy. I LOVE to wear a missionary badge. I made books and backpacks for students. I smiled and greeted people for classes. I helped them. I took tickets for drawings. I took rolls. I helped wherever needed. Here is my book the mission made for me!

I want to serve more missions! I go to institute classes. I want to help there. I love the temple. I love my callings. I love the ward choir. I want to serve anywhere I can.

I know the Church is true. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I read it every morning and every night. I know Jesus and Heavenly Father love me. This is my testimony. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Janice’s Missionary talk 8.25.24        

Cameron and I have a new ritual. One day I was taking him to work, and he ran out before me and sat in the car, in the driving seat. So, most days I let him start the car. I don’t let him back it out of the garage, though! This has been our pattern in raising Cameron. We let him do everything he possibly can. And that is how he came to serve two missions.

One day I received a text from an old friend of mine. She had been a friend since 6th grade and through high school, but in fact, I hadn’t seen her for 54 years. Of course, we both look just the same as we did then—well, at least, our hearts hadn’t changed. Larraine began to tell me of a new assignment she and husband had as mission leaders in the Granger Hometown Initiative. She asked if Jim and I would consider serving there as education specialists. To tell the truth, I had a list of excuses: we were serving in the temple; we had trips planned; we were old; we had responsibilities with Cameron; we had plans with family; etc. She kept assuring me that it would all work out. It ended up that this new kind of hometown mission needed people to help with meeting the needs of people in the West Valley area, and The Lord softened my heart, and the three of us were called to serve. They didn’t really need education specialists—they needed us to teach and do the work. We began teaching English to a diverse group of learners. Cameron became the administrative assistant to the mission. We were working closely with West Valley City’s services, and it was really different than teaching the gospel like we had in seminary and institute in south Texas.—but we loved it! We loved the people. We loved helping them learn the language so they could better themselves with good jobs and integration into society. We made many friends. We learned more Spanish. We did NOT learn Arabic or Ukrainian or Vietnamese. Classes were taught in ESL, sewing, cooking, art, piano, ukulele, choir, immigration law, etc. The community service projects were like watching a miracle happen.

I am obsessed with Elder Kearon’s talk from April Conference. He emphasizes that Heavenly Father’s Fabulous plan of happiness has one intent: YOUR happiness and My happiness here on earth and in the worlds to come. President Nelson says the greatest thing happening on the earth today is the gathering of Israel on both sides of the veil.  What I have learned in serving missions is that happiness does not happen on the sofa watching television. It does not even happen doing all the good things we try to do. I would have been happy cruising along, trying to do what is right, but God had other plans. He could see that I would be happier serving a mission among immigrants in Laredo and Granger.

The Lord’s Plan of redemption has one intent: to save us, rescue us, redeem us. On this side of old age, this becomes more and more important to me. I cannot comprehend the premortal life. I cannot comprehend eternity. In his closing remarks, Elder Kearon says, “The Father’s design, His plan, His purpose, His intent, His wish, and His hope are all to heal you, all to give you peace, all to bring you and those you love home…”

So, for now, I take off my missionary badge with bitter-sweet feelings. I put aside that identity. I’ve had a few identities in my life: student, parent, wife, teacher, school leader, grandparent, missionary, and a few others. These are important to me, but they are all swallowed up in my eternal identity, which President Nelson reminds us is 1. a child of God, born as a spirit child of Heavenly parents 2. A child of the covenant, promising to make and keep the promises I have made with God 3. A disciple of Christ, serving where and when needed to the best of my ability. It’s funny but some of the things that made me happiest in my life were HARD: Teaching early-morning seminary. Graduating from college at age 34. Seven pregnancies. Learning languages so that I could serve. Teaching people who did not speak a word of English. Moving to South Texas for two years. Serving missions. Serving in the temple for the last two and a half years…

I love the retired life! I have learned more, studied harder, and stretched myself farther than I ever had time or inclination to do before. Doubt not. Fear not. Trust in Him. I have to trust Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ because I am weak. I have some social anxiety. (Sometimes I can’t believe that I left my house and enrolled at BYU as the mother of five or put in mission papers and got in the car and moved to south Texas). I am just a little controlling. I am vain and impatient. But I am happiest when serving, trusting, learning, and rejoicing in the PLAN to make me happy here and prepare me for all that God has. Serving in the temple is a blessing that helps me trust Christ. I love watching and helping people serve those who have gone beyond the veil and need the covenant blessings in His Plan of Happiness. I love seeing someone come to the temple for the first time—or as one sister whispered to me—her first time in 43 years. I love seeing old friends there. I love helping in the youth center and caring for an adopted baby who is being sealed to her parents.

A few months into my service as an ordinance worker, I was giving the initiatory blessing and as I looked at the name card the patron was holding I was overcome with a love for the person beyond the veil who was waiting for those blessings. The words that I was saying were, in fact, for a sister who awaited the resurrection and those blessings for a resurrected body. The older, crippled sister who was her proxy was being reminded of her own endowment from fifty or sixty years before and the promise of a celestial body that would work perfectly! Last week I printed a family name, a cousin from 1847 in Sweden. I sat in the Endowment session and realized that that day was the 55th anniversary of my own endowment. I was really there to serve Boel Hansdotter so that she could make choices on the other side of the veil to live with the Father and the Son for all eternity.

It’s like I have the keys. Father is standing beside me while I hear the power of the engine. I’m just starting the car and learning to back it safely out of the garage (without breaking the mirror off)  and onto the street. He is my guide and my salvation. I am doing what I can and what He will allow me to do. And that is how I came to serve two missions.

I am building trust and faith in Him with a zeal I never had before. I have a blessed life because of the gospel of Jesus Christ and His church, because of my covenants, because of my family. I bear testimony of the truth of His love through His plan for us. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Feeling Important Matters

Feeling Important Matters 8.6.24

Today Cameron called from the car while he and Jim were running errands. He was over-the-moon because he had picked up his prescription all by himself. He received notice that it was ready on his MYChart app. He said, “It was easy, Mom. I went up to the window and said, ‘Cameron Flanagan.’” He was so proud of himself. Sometimes I think we do too much for our special needs “kids” and deny them the pride of accomplishment. He loves to help others and himself!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Do Politics Matter?

 Do Politics Matter? July 2, 2024

The answer, of course, is « yes! » Here we are in the July 4th week, the middle of a Presidential election, a few days after Biden’s historical, disasterous debate, and a week since Utah’s republican primary election left Jim disappointed and deflated! And yet, the process goes on. It is, after all, the best political system the earth has ever seen. Leftists are melting down over the last week’s Supreme-Court decisions that favor the end of lawfare—presidents have immunity for official work and decisions—January 6th defendants win—and groups cannot act as legislators or judges. The gaslighting continues from the left, and their strategy is to name Trump a liar and a dictator. It is horrifying. I am hoping nothing disastrous happens in the next four months like a civil war, an assassination, or something I cannot even imagine!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Matters in THE CHOSEN

 June 12, 2024 Chosen Matters

Do you love THE CHOSEN? I do! I have all the DVDS (season 1-4), t-shirts and stickers, a journal. I have watched the whole series straight through at least three times, and loved them more each time. I have THE CHOSEN app and watch the series regularly on the BYUtv app. Episodes are shown every Sunday on the BYU channels. I also know where to find the episodes on Fox Nation, Netflix, Angel app, and Vid-Angel. I love the actors and the spirit of the show. I also know it is NOT the scriptures; however, it brings the spirit and understanding. It makes me think of the Janice Kapp Perry song “Jesus Was No Ordinary Man.” I looked up the words yesterday:

Jesus was no Ordinary Man

But there were some who did not understand.

They saw Him working miracles, but some were still deceived.

Why did they not believe?

When with few loaves and fishes the multitude was fed;

When He showed them his power to heal and even raised the dead;

When He walked upon the water, and He calmed the raging sea,

Why did they not believe?

Chorus: Jesus was no ordinary man.

The power to bless and heal was in His hands.

They saw Him cleanse the leper;

They saw Him heal the lame;

They must have sensed divinity and known from whence He came,

But understanding not His cause,

They crucified the Son of God,

And even then they did not understand

That Jesus was no ordinary man.

2. Jesus was no Ordinary Man

But there were some who did not understand.

They saw Him working miracles, but some were still deceived.

Why did they not believe?

When His faith filled the fishnets,

Gave sight unto the blind;

When they saw at His bidding even water turned to wine;

When He offered all He had to them if they would but receive,

Why did they not believe?


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Matters of Deja Vu

 Blog: Matters of Deja Vu 06.05.24

The other day I was listening to the FOLLOW HIM podcast by Hank Smith and John Bytheway, when I heard a familiar story. John Bytheway was telling of a family fire that sounded much like an almost-disaster that happened to us in December 1982:

It was Christmas time, and Jim and I had been out doing our last-minute shopping. As we headed home, sirens filled the air and shrieked more loudly as we got closer to home. Smoke. Fire engines lined our street, and as we pulled up, our young children crawled out the front door under the smoke. We were assured that all was well as the firefighters checked and made sure that the fire was out.

All the children had been downstairs watching a movie when the two oldest decided to cook some more french fries. Steven and Derek were about twelve and ten. When they finished frying, they thought they had switched the stove “off,” but they had accidentally put it on “high.” The pot of oil had exploded, setting the kitchen on fire. The noise had the boys running upstairs. Steven had some scout training, and he quickly covered the pot with a lid and grabbed the hose from outside, extinguishing flames while Derek ran to the neighbors to call 911. They got the three younger children and had them keep low through the noxious fumes. Why was the hose out, connected, and ready to use in the end of December? A little miracle that the day was warm enough to wash the car, and the water was available and ready. Another miracle—that the boys knew what to do and acted so swiftly. By the time the fire department arrived a couple of minutes later, all they had to do was check for hot spots and put a big fan to blow the smoke out.

In the Bytheway story, his point was the kindness and compassion extended to his family. Our story is the same. People anonymously left envelopes of money, new shoes and clothes for all of us, food and other necessities. Our ward was a blessing for us in a difficult time. It turned out to be our most-memorable and most-joyous Christmas story ever! The covenant includes bearing each others’ burdens.