Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Matters of Gathering

 Matters of Gathering Blog 8.10.21


Sunday I taught the Young-Women’s lesson for our ward combined with the Pheasant Brook Ward. The lesson was on the gathering of Israel, and we talked a lot about President and Sister Nelson’s message to the youth in April, 2018, “Hope of Israel.” I LOVE that talk. I think it is exciting! I encourage everyone to read or re-read it (or watch the video version). It was fabulous to meet with the girls and discuss the gathering of Israel, which President Nelson calls “the most important thing taking place on earth today. Nothing else compares in magnitude, nothing else compares in importance, nothing else compares in majesty.” I noticed that the young women needed more instruction than the time allowed on “Israel,” the covenant path, and the gathering of the ten tribes, but they are spectacular and will rise to the challenge.


This morning our family study was in Jacob 5, again focusing on the gathering of Israel. We watched the old seminary video on YouTube, “The Allegory of the Olive Tree.” I almost wanted to sign up for another mission!

I don’t know how many times I have read, studied, and taught Jacob 5, but this morning it took on new understanding, purpose, and motivation after Sunday’s lesson and study of D&C 86. I absolutely love studying and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ!


And speaking of gathering the world into covenant Israel, Sean was made the new branch president in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  He will serve until they move in May, and his calling will be to prepare the branch to become a ward, part of a new stake. In this Muslim country. Zion, expanding. Nothing can stop the work from progressing. We live in scary, but exciting times. We are the gatherers for the final time In the Lord’s vineyard.