Monday, May 6, 2024

Marriage Matters

Marriage Matters 05.06.24

Bryce and Sarah were married and sealed on Saturday in the Payton Temple. They were so sweet and in-love! The sealing was delayed a little bit as the sealer got things in order. The bride and groom entered and sat on the fancy loveseat with mothers on either side. The sealer (I think he must have been a Payson farmer, homespun) introduced the witnesses, Adam and Colton, and invited them to sit wherever they wanted. He invited Adam to sit by his wife and pointed to Jill. Everyone panicked a little. Some tried to correct the sealer, but he didn’t quite “get it.” Although they had explained to him before the ceremony that both moms were single, it was a bit of an embarrassing faux pas. Finally, Jill said something like, “I’m single and not married to him.” The wedding and ordinance continued, with many mentions of the babies they would have. Well, at least Sarah wants a big family… They asked Jim (Grandpa) to perform a ring ceremony at the luncheon. The temple was beautiful! The day was gorgeous! The bride and groom were especially handsome. The luncheon was delicious! Winners all around!