Sunday, April 2, 2023

Easter Matters

 Easter Week Matters 04.02.23

In preparation for this week preceding Easter Jim asked me to print a picture of us at the Garden Tomb almost a year ago. I printed a collage and framed it as a reminder of the Atonement, the suffering and death, and the glorious resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. We will keep it with our Easter decorations as a reminder to center Easter on the risen Son of God. The Garden Tomb was the final site we visited in Israel. It was Palm Sunday that day, too. The hill of Golgotha rises nearby with the “way of the skull” written in the rock (evidence in the picture’s far left). The tomb is a plain and simple place, scooped from the stone. Bars protect the sacred place now, but the spirit persists that this is a special and holy resting place. My heart beats faster even now to think this may be the very place he finished His Atonement and rose from what even His most fervent disciples thought was the end. Today we remember and reflect on the love, the sacrifice, and the saving power that was manifest that first Easter morn.