I do not like snakes! Jim and I went to see 17 Miracles yesterday. In one part of the story two little pioneer girls in the Willey Handcart Company had skipped off from the group to spread and gather blossoms when they came upon a nest of rattlers. The snakes were paused, ready to strike. After a prayer the girls skipped and hopped through the venonmous obstacle course, unharmed in the end. One whispered to the other. Her friend asked why she was whispering. "I don't want the snakes to hear our plan!"
It reminded me of the old tale of an Indian brave who passed a rattlesnake sunning on a rock at the base of a tall mountain. The reptile hissed to the young man and asked to be taken to the top of the mountain. The brave resisted, saying that he knew about the venom in the snake's fangs. He knew the danger that was foretold in the rattle clicking its warning. The snake persisted, promising that he would not hurt the boy if he would just get him to the top of the mountain. Upon insistance the snake prevailed. The young brave slipped the diamondback into his bag and climbed to the summit. Reaching into the leather pouch, he pulled his passenger into the sunshine atop the peak. The sharp fangs sunk into his brown arm and the boy recoiled in shock and pain. "How could you?" he cried. "You promised you would not harm me!" "Oh," said the crafty rattler, "but you knew what I was when you picked me up."
If you do not like snakes, do not pick them up! We cannot expect good results when we already know by experience what one practice or another leads to, what the probable results will be. We can do hard things. Our kids are worth it!