Sunday, September 11, 2011

Matters of Age

Eighty does not seem as old as it used to! Yesterday we joined family to celebrate my mother-in-law’s 80th birthday. We sat and watched a video collage of her life from the time she was small. Time sped by on the screen. There was Jim as a baby in his mother’s arms and then in his first suit, off to Easter dinner with his family. Evidence of traditions touched each picture. Who knew that Audrey loved horses as a teenager in Victor, Idaho, under the Tetons? Now recovering miraculously from a broken foot, Audrey does not seem old, not eighty, but there are 80 years scrolling by as a girl, wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. I think of all the service she gave to scouting, the children she raised besides her own, and the twists and turns of life that made her into the woman she is today. Eighty years and counting!