Saturday, November 5, 2011

Technology Matters

Cameron called me yesterday to say he was “so MAD at Dad” for leaving his cell phone home. Isn’t it funny how dependent we become on technology? We get so used to being able to contact anyone at any time that it is frustrating when we cannot reach someone. If my computer is a little slow, I get irritated. If my husband’s mailbox is full (which it always is because he does not know how to check voice mail or delete messages!), I get aggravated with him. We expect the answer to any question at the tip our fingers online and instant contact by email, Facebook, or Twitter. We have all seen the latest sensations or the funniestLucy episode on YouTube. We are embarrassed to ask the five-year-old how to move to the next level on a game. Bowling now means flicking your wrist with a controller to send a virtual ball hurling toward virtual pins. I was not nice when I had to re-write electronic forms so that I could type on them (twice this week!). This is the technology age. It is making me impatient, intolerant, and demanding. In this techie world, we must still work with people. We must be patient, tolerant, and accepting. I wonder if I can find instructions for that online…