The holidays are almost over and tomorrow is that magical day of new starts, do-overs, and hope for the fabulous! A couple of times in my life I have actually written down new year's resolutions and crossed them off as I accomplished them. Of course, I never get skinny or exercise every day, but despite those "un-crossed-off" items, I do love new starts and setting up goals. So, I have spent three days cleaning and organizing my basement. Through the last seven years of living in our house. we have had all but one of our seven children living downstairs and leaving boxes of their things intentionally and a few things unintentionally. It was time for a thorough clean up. Forcing my children to take charge of their own junk was the hard part. Four loads to DI and a truckload to the dump later, the unfinished room in my basement looks ready to be finished. What a great "new start!"
Inevitably I am also starting a diet and a renewed commitment to Curves. I would also like to start walking and use those Zumba DVDs I got for Christmas 2010, but I would hate to make too many new starts! I will consider it.
There are always the money goals... I have enough, so...
2012: a year of new starts, gentle intentions, and faith