Another year has flown by, and time passes more quickly than ever for me. I never complain about time’s dragging on any more because it seems to disappear more and more swiftly, no matter what I am doing. Yesterday I had several grandkids at the house and we were doing some research on Azerbaijan on the computer for Danielle’s homework. Suddenly Haylee said, “Grandma, you look so young!” I immediately surmised that she did not mean at that minute, sitting at the computer. I looked up to the shelf of pictures above me and smiled. “I was young in that picture—it was 40 years ago. Gee, Haylee, I thought I looked the same!” My teasing was lost on her. She stared at the picture, at me, at the picture. “Well…you do have a double chin now…” I guess that answer was rather kind compared to the things she could have said! Time may not have been kind to my face, brain, or body, but it has been kind to my heart. I know because her comments did not hurt my feelings in the least. I was just glad that she recognized that those people in the picture were Jim and me! I am so thankful for the kindness the years have given me, including a gray-haired husband, gray-haired children(!), and twenty brilliant grandchildren (two of whom have red hair—for now—notice Haylee and Emma).