Sunday before last I had my first opportunity to speak in Spanish to the 6th Branch. Just hoping they could understand me. . . My talk was on seminary. I always knew that seminary and institute were important, but since we have been here, we see first hand how very essential a foundation of gospel learning, testimony, and discipline are in preparing for life in this chaotic, pressure-filled world. Most of our students do not have a steady spiritual influence in their homes, and most do not have a family legacy that is centered in the gospel of Christ. Teens have lives filled with activities, school work, relationships, family responsibilities, and the stress of “what’s next?” However, we have come to see that the very most important thing they can do is to learn and live the commandments and follow the covenant path. In my talk I used the story of the old Cherokee who taught his grandson about the eternal fight that goes on inside of us. Two wolves constantly fight to win ultimate survival: one intending everything that is good—kindness, service, compassion, and love. The other wolf demands selfishness, hatred, anger, and pride. The battle rages daily inside each of us between the two wolves within. Finally the grandson asks, “Grandfather, which one wins?” and the old Cherokee answers, “The one I feed.” It is easy to let the hungry bad animal and the ways of the world overtake the fight for good. Seminary and institute help feed the good wolf.
Most of the students in our class want to serve missions, and yet only two of them come regularly. Others come sporadically, especially when their bishop reminds them how essential knowledge and testimony are to serving a mission. (MIND and HEART) If they could understand the rigors of missionary work, maybe they would get themselves out of bed and to early-morning seminary. The two students who come every day are amazing, devoted, and already have a depth of learning and testimony. It is easy to see the difference. They feed the good wolf every day.
Our institute students were shocked and excited to learn that the Constitution was established by God! (D&C 101) One said, “I can’t believe THAT is in the scriptures!” Here, in this liberal border town, is a good place to teach that this country is indeed special—a promised land, set apart by God for His purposes.
We LOVE our teaching assignments! This is the perfect mission for us. We love to start every day with a gospel lesson. We love the revelations in the Doctrine & Covenants, the lessons and truth of the Book of Mormon, and the example of the Savior as we study Come, Follow Me. We are happy to serve in Laredo—a unique and wonderful bit of heaven.