When we walked outside today it was already 80 degrees and HUMID at 5:30 a.m. (Have you ever noticed how old people become obsessed with the weather?) It rains very seldom here, but sometimes the humidity makes the heat feel very heavy. The flowers and blossoming trees are beautiful because of it, though.
This morning’s seminary lesson on D&C 134 (please read and ponder it!) brings us to another passion we have—the importance of protecting our freedoms under the Constitution. It fits right in with our studies in the Book of Mormon. Today we finished Alma again and were reminded of the Title of Liberty and the importance of standing up for the rights and freedoms intended by God. Living in a border town has opened our eyes to the importance of rule of law so that all of our rights and safety are preserved. How blessed we are to have the scriptures to guide us in our political thought and exercise of freedom of conscience (including religious freedom), rights to property, and right to protect life. President Ezra Taft Benson said that “life, liberty, [and] property [are] mankind’s three great rights” [“Our Divine Constitution,” Ensign, Nov. 1987, 4].) We are determined to stand up for our divinely inspired Constitution and the rights and freedoms it guarantees. Jim is devoted to these principles he taught for so many years in the public schools. When he retired, one of the other teachers at Kearns High said, “Who is going to teach these kids the truth about government now?”
We are all called to be His servants. We are called to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are called to preserve this great country so that it can continue to be an ensign to the nations, a bastion of freedom in the world. God bless America and give us courage to stand for the right to preserve this country’s divinely-inspired purpose in the world.