Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Votes Matter

 The RNC convention started last night. I didn’t want to watch. I know exactly how I will vote. I caught glimpses of the DNC speeches last week, and that didn’t inspire me! However, I did watch a big piece last night, and it was exciting TV. In fact, it prompted me to make a list of reasons I am voting straight republican—as soon as the ballot comes in the mail. Here are my amazing top ten:


#10 I read and study the Book of Mormon every day, twice a day. I liken the scriptures to today. Wow! No wonder God preserved these records for a wise purpose in Him.  The political and social answers are right there for us to discover.


#9 America is the promised land. Whatever (and whoever) it takes to preserve it is the choice I want to make. I believe in America’s founding principles.


#8 Prophets have warned us against the slide to socialism and communism. I want our freedoms to be preserved.


#7 I believe in law and order. It is the only way to protect the rights to free speech (even when my beliefs don’t align with the mainstream media or the politically correct), freedom of religion, and the traditional family. I believe in protecting the rights to life, liberty, and property. This reason may be closely related to the Title of Liberty!


#6 I’m not voting for or against a personality or a political style. I want to live in an America that keeps going back to the traditional wisdom of our founding documents. I want us all to keep improving because of our basic underlying belief that all people are created equal in God’s love and that under the law people must be considered equal. The promise is not for equality in circumstance, talent, or resources—only the opportunity to find what’s best for them.


#5 I am inspired by conservative principles. I do not believe that the Constitution is a living, breathing, changing plan. I believe it and the Declaration of Independence were divinely inspired.


#4 I believe in the right to life. I could never vote for anyone or any group who is willing in their platform to condone killing babies even up to and following birth.


#3 Local and state politicians who want the power but will not stand up against violence and looting against people’s businesses, homes, and lives to not deserve my vote. Where will they be when the mob comes to my home? Giving in to the evils of the mob is like voting for the Gadianton robbers and murderers. Never defund our brave police.


#2 I have lived a long time. I love the principles of freedom that my parents and grandparents taught me by word and deed. I have spent many years as an educator and administrator. I can see the effects of false political ideas. 


#1 I depend on personal revelation and discernment. Over the last 3 ½ years I have learned to find the correct principles rather than to complain about someone’s tweets or style. I never heard of a politician who didn’t think their own way was the best way. A different viewpoint does not make something a lie. I think that the President is the most transparent person ever to lead this country. He is a doer for the people!  


I believe this November is a turning point for America. Freedom. Use it or lose it—America!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Matters of Faith in Affliction

 Matters of Faith 8.10.20


Twice a day Cameron, Jim, and I gather for family prayer and scriptures. We cherish the time together, and we are sure of one thing: It is not by chance that during this stressful time we are challenged to study the Book of Mormon. Every day we pray for guidance as we read and discuss the scriptures and liken them unto ourselves. We pray that we will find peace and understanding. Have you ever wondered, “Why all these war chapters?” I do not wonder any more! In every chapter of Alma we stop in amazement at the parallels to the world around us. We are on our second time through the Book of Mormon this year. We love the many videos and study guides. This time of isolation and upside-down chaos is calmed in our hearts and home as we are constantly reassured that God has saved these scriptures for “a wise purpose” in Him. We feel prepared for this crisis by all the studying we did as we learned at home through “Come, Follow Me” last year. We did not know what this year would be like, but Heavenly Father did!


We LOVE the people of Laredo! This picture is Eileen who was able to be baptized last week.  Faithfully she kept learning and growing and meeting with the missionaries despite the pandemic. Missionaries all over the world are finding ways to “bring the world His truth!”


Our amazing Emma (Brady’s) turned nine on Sunday.