Matters of Cameronfunny
We are having such a great time studying the Book of Mormon with Cameron this year! He is so connected to the scriptures. This is the third time through the Book in this crazy 2020. We have really needed the peace and guidance that has come through our family study and Come-Follow-Me work. We love the Book of Mormon videos, as they bring to life the stories and instruction! Sunday morning we were having family prayer, Cameron’s turn. He began to pray for his heart to be happy. Some tears ran down his cheeks, and he pled for the Spirit. We tried to comfort him, but he just was sad because of the state of the world, the election, the bad people, the sick and lonely people, COVID19, etc. We asked what was the matter, and he answered, “I just love people so much!”
Then we opened the scriptures to read Mosiah 3. As Cameron read, we all began to realize that King Benjamin’s words were exactly the message we needed for peace! Cam said, “Hey, that’s like my prayer!” The words King Benjamin was teaching were given to him by an angel of the Lord, and they can heal our hearts: “3. …Awake and hear the words which I shall tell thee; for behold, I am come to declare unto you the glad tidings of great joy. 4. For the Lord hath heard thy prayers, . . . And hath sent me to declare unto thee that thou mayest rejoice. . . that [you] may be filled with joy.” We are so grateful that we opened the scriptures and read the message God meant for us at that moment!
I love Cam!!! He has such a special spirit.