Friday, December 11, 2020

 We have two Christmas trees this year. It’s a long story, and it happened through a series of unfortunate events, but it’s the end of the story that I love. 


It is not easy at our age to set up and decorate a nine-foot tree and a seven-foot tree. A visit from my brother and his wife prompted us to push ourselves through the mess and the stress to finish it all. The old tree is one we call  our Santa-travel-family tree. We collect ornaments as we travel the world, and they are beautiful remembrances of people and places we love. This is also where we put our ornament gifts, received from students and families through the years. We have collected beautiful, whimsical, and homemade Santas, too. A few years ago we found little frame ornaments and added family pictures. We love this tree—even though we had to string lights this year.


The living-room tree is completely covered with all references to the Savior and the humble Nativity. I think that all the disasters that led us to the purchase and work of this tree were all worth it. It sits next to the piano where I play the old carols of the season. The lights and décor inspire me to play. It is another way for us to be reminded every day that our Jesus is the Reason for the Season!


My cousin Susan sent this message from Elder Christofferson (“Why We Need Jesus Christ”) in her Christmas card this year: “As Christmas approaches…dial down the ‘noise’, and take some time this Christmas season to reflect on the wonder and the majesty of the Son of God. . . to relax, be at peace, and see this little child in your mind. Do not be concerned. . .with what [may be] coming up in His life or in yours. Instead, take a peaceful moment to contemplate perhaps the most serene moment in the history of the world—when all of heaven rejoiced with the message ‘Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men’ (Luke 2:14).” 



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