April 8, 2024 Heavenly Matters
Today was eventful as the world turned its attention to the heavens for the total solar eclipse. Jim was having some serious oral surgery, and some delays kept us inside at the very time we wanted to experience what was, in SLC, a 50% partial eclipse. Just before the maximum coverage I slipped outside to sit in the car and observe any differences as the moon passed in front of the sun. I noticed a coolness, a stillness, and a darkening—even at only 50%. I was watching the NASA images and listening to reactions in the path of total eclipse as Little Rock, Dallas, and Indianapolis experienced moments of total darkness. Some say this was one of the “wonders in the heavens” signaling the Second Coming of the Savior. We certainly are in the end of times, but “no man knoweth the day or the hour”. . . Right? Of course, there were also earthquakes in divers places this week—New York/New Jersey??? And wars and rumors of wars, especially in the Mideast. Lots of talk about “red heifers,” readying for sacrifice in preparation for sanctification of the temple mound so the Jews can rebuild their temple. . . We do live in interesting times!
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