Monday Memo 5.31.11
Dear Friends,
One morning last week my grandchildren arrived early. I take them to school with me every day, but on that morning I was still getting ready. My twelve-year-old granddaughter came to my bedroom door and asked if she could have some breakfast. I replied that she would have to find herself something since I was running a little late. Her uncharacteristic cheerful answer should have alerted me, “Caution! You should pay attention to this situation!” Entering the kitchen, I saw Cassie eating a bowl of CHOCOLATE CHIPS! Breakfast of champions? It just reminded me that kids need constant guidance and direction! ...Even when they are twelve!
Here we are at the end of our school year, still trying to prompt and teach our students. We want them to go on well-prepared to face the learning challenges of their next school year. And even though you and I might choose chocolate (have you tried chocolate Cheerios? Yum!) for breakfast, let’s keep teaching them that choices have consequences. I hope you touched on nutrition this year! Whatever it takes, our kids are worth it. We do hard things! Hurray for you! Have a great week.
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