Monday Memo: Coyotes and Cockatiels
I am here in Broomfield, Colorado, enjoying the beautiful morning. Yesterday, on the way to church, we had to stop in the middle of a four-lane street in the middle of town to yield to a coyote crossing the street. He turned his head toward us and seemed to smile at the power he had to stop a car. His home covers acres in the middle of this north Denver suburb. It is called Broomfield Open Space and is home to coyotes, foxes, hawks, eagles, raccoons, and other assorted animals.
Every morning I awaken to a very noisy cockatiel singing (whistling actually, but I know he has no lips to put together!) "Pop Goes the Weasel!" and other assorted musical renderings. I think that this is the same bird that the then little girls pulled the tail feathers out of fifteen years ago! They have been listening to his jabber and screeching for a long time!
No matter where we are and what we are doing, there are always bumps, stops, and irritations along the way. We have no choice but to wait, back up,and wake up before we continue on. All the interruptions make our lives more interesting and full. As you wind down this year, it is guaranteed that there will be some interruptions in your plans--we deal with little human beings, after all. Have a great week. Keep doing hard things. It may not be easy, but it will be worth it!
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