My husband and I just had a conversation about motivating our learners. At school we are just finishing up our year-end core testing (No Child Left Behind). I received this note from one of my fantastic teachers who had 100% of her students pass the science test, 93% pass language arts, and 96% pass mathematics:
"The Value of T-Time
It is often difficult to inspire unmotivated students. Many have low ability and don't believe that they have the ability to master various concepts. Just getting some students' full attention and participation for short periods can be a challenge.
However, our new T-Time has proven to be the boon for which I've been searching.
Halfway through the year, our principal asked that we institute "T-Time" to help inspire the unmotivated learner.
I implemented daily T-Time using YPP Custom Tests. Each day after morning recess my students took a YPP Custom Test.
Instruction, practice and review of the particular concept being tested was given some time beforehand.
Each student strived to do his/her best on the daily concept quiz because each knew that a good score meant s/he would get to participate in a fun learning activity during the last 30 minutes of the day.
At 2:40 each afternoon, those who had mastered the morning quiz got to work on various learning activities while I worked with those who needed extra instruction and practice.
It was surprising for me to see how motivated all students became when this "reward" activity was offered to them. Engagement went way up during instruction time since students knew they had to master the test in order to receive the reward.
Thanks for T-Time. I believe it is largely responsible for some in my class scoring so high on the core test. I will implement this activity again this coming year."
T Time got its name because our school mascot is the Thunderbird. It has reference to flying high, time to step up and hit the ball, time for our little thunderbirds to learn, etc. We are focused on student learning and data-driven instruction! One thing that the great teachers "get" is that we have the power to motivate learners who are not really motivated at home. Finding the key to that motivation is what T Time is all about. It is a time for re-teaching, remediation, enrichment, and fun learning. It is about making kids WANT to learn! Some call it Power Hour, Flex time, or Intervention Interval. We call it T Time, and our teachers are using it to make the most out of learning. Whatever it takes; our kids are worth it!